Get Food Faster
When we introduce ChowNow on Kentucky State University campus it will be a great experience for the students, staff, and for local people that might want to order from one of the different retail locations on campus. With every great experience, comes an action plan. On March 18thwhen we first roll out the ChowNow online ordering program, we will only have it available for two concepts, Uncle Boo’s and Good Food 4 Life. After perfecting the system, we will add online ordering for the chicken concept.
When someone places an order online, managers and supervisors on duty will each have an iPad for one of the concepts on them. The managers and supervisors will respond to that order within five minutes of receiving the order. If they do not respond within that time, Mr. Pulliam will receive a notice about the order on his phone. Once, they have responded to the order the manager or supervisor will then select a pick-up time for the customer. The manager or supervisor will then proceed to take the order to the retail location that the order was place for. The manager or supervisor will watch the process of the order to ensure that it is fulfilled in a timely fashion and made just like the customer has ordered the food. Then the managers or supervisors on duty will then wait for the customer to arrive to hand them the order.